Jenna loves to sing. LOVES. She's getting pretty good- for a two year old at least. She definitely has the attention span of a two year old. I think it is so cute and hilarious, I had to share. There are six (very short) videos. The repertoire-
1.I Am A Child of God
2.I Love to See The Temple (although she doesn't seem to sure of that when she starts)
3. I Am a Child of God- it's on here twice b/c I thought it was amazing how she could break her concentration to tell Lucy to drink her bottle and pick up right where she left off on this take.
4.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
5. I've Been Working On the Railroad (
6. I Love Lucy
I can't lie- I think she's even better in person. My sister was saying the other day that Jenna's middle name suits her- it's Melelani, which means "song of heaven" or "heavenly song". What do you think?