Thursday, July 5, 2012

Meeting Baby Brooklyn

My sister-in-law and brother had their baby 10 weeks early, so we made a last minute trip to Reno so I could meet the little sweetheart.  Brooklyn Olina was born 3 lbs, 2oz on June 22- which just happens to be my brother's birthday.  We keep saying she was that determined to steal his thunder, so she came early just to take his birthday!  She is doing well and is so beautiful and strong.  When I saw Brooklyn for the first time, it made me feel so sad that she was so helpless.  But you can feel her strong spirit radiate throughout her little corner of the NICU.  She is a strong little girl and a fighter for sure! What a blessing she will be to all of us, especially her mommy and daddy.  Heidi and Brian, congratulations on your little addition, I love her so much already!

Happy family!

She spends most of her time under lights to improve her bilirubin levels, so she has little eyegear on to protect her peepers!
I'm told that she's a kicker and her little feetsies are up in the air all the time!

Baby Orrell!

Dan said these eye protectors make him think of Willy Wonka. :)

Feeding time!

Heidi's hand looks so big on Brooklyn's tiny head!

We love you so much, baby Brooklyn! Come home soon!

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